B.A.R. Group Pty Ltd is a proud member of BE Pressure
BAR Group | Log Splitters | Industrial
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120 LS20HTLG-R225
16 Ton Log Splitter - (w/o Engine)
16T / 3250psi Splitting Force
Dual Direction Splitting
Horizontal Use Only
Supplied W/O Engine
126 LS16HTL
$1,199.00 + GST & Freight
In Stock
16 Ton Log Splitter - Powerease 7.5Hp R225
16T / 3250psi Splitting Force
Dual Direction Splitting
Powerease 7.5Hp R225
Horizontal Use Only
126 LS16HTL-R225
$2,238.00 + GST & Freight
16 Ton Log Splitter - Honda 6.5Hp GP200
16T / 3250psi Splitting Force
Dual Direction Splitting
Honda 6.5HP GP200
Horizontal Use Only
126 LS16HTL-GP200
$2,507.00 + GST & Freight
16 Ton Log Splitter - Honda 6.5Hp GX200
16T / 3250psi Splitting Force
Dual Direction Splitting
Honda 6.5HP GX200
Horizontal Use Only
126 LS16HTL-GX200
$2,567.00 + GST & Freight
20 Ton Log Splitter - (w/o Engine)
20T / 3250psi Splitting Force
Dual Direction Splitting
Horizontal Use Only
Supplied W/O Engine
126 LS20HTL
$1,499.00 + GST & Freight
In Stock
20 Ton Log Splitter - Powerease 7.5Hp R225
20T / 3250psi Splitting Force
Dual Direction Splitting
Powerease 7.5Hp R225
Horizontal Use Only
126 LS20HTL-R225
$2,824.00 + GST & Freight
20 Ton Log Splitter - Honda 6.5Hp GP200
20T / 3250psi Splitting Force
Dual Direction Splitting
Honda 6.5Hp GP200
Horizontal Use Only
126 LS20HTL-GP200
$2,999.00 + GST & Freight
20 Ton Log Splitter - Honda 6.5Hp GP200
20T / 3250psi Splitting Force
Dual Direction Splitting
Honda 6.5Hp GX200
Horizontal Use Only
126 LS20HTL-GX200
$3,094.00 + GST & Freight
25 Tonne Log Splitter - (w/o Engine)
25T / 3,500 psi Splitting Force
Supplied W/O Engine
Horizontal / Vertical Use
126 LS25VTLP
$1,989.00 + GST & Freight
BE 25 Tonne Horizontal Deluxe Log Splitter - Powerease R225
25T / 3,500 psi Splitting Force
Powerease 7.5 hp R225
Horizontal / Vertical Use
126 LS25VTLP-R225
$2,093.00 + GST & Freight
BE 25 Tonne Horizontal Deluxe Log Splitter - Honda GP200
25T / 3,500 psi Splitting Force
Honda 6.5 hp GP200
Horizontal / Vertical Use
126 LS25VTLP-GP200
$2,355.00 + GST & Freight
BE 25 Tonne Horizontal Deluxe Log Splitter - Honda GX200
25T / 3,500 psi Splitting Force
Honda 6.5 hp GX200
Horizontal / Vertical Use
126 LS25VTLP-GX200
$2,430.00 + GST & Freight
25 Ton Log Splitter - (w/o Engine)
25T / 3500psi Splitting Force
Supplied W/O Engine
Horizontal / Vertical Use
126 LS25VTLG
$2,286.00 + GST & Freight
In Stock
25 Ton Log Splitter - Powerease 7.5Hp R225
25T / 3500psi Splitting Force
PowerEase 7.5Hp R225
Horizontal / Vertical Use
126 LS25VTLG-R225
$2,518.00 + GST & Freight
25 Ton Log Splitter - Honda 6.5Hp GP200
25T / 3500psi Splitting Force
6.5Hp Honda GP200 Engine
Horizontal / Vertical Use
126 LS25VTLG-GP200
$2,779.00 + GST & Freight
25 Ton Log Splitter - Honda 6.5Hp GX200
25T / 3500psi Splitting Force
6.5Hp Honda GX200 Engine
Horizontal / Vertical Use
126 LS25VTLG-GX200
$2,855.00 + GST & Freight
In Stock
Logsplitter - 30 Ton (w/o Engine)
30 Ton Log Splitter Frame
Vertically Packed in Steel Crate
Horizontal / Vertical Use
126 LS30VTL
$1,989.00 + GST & Freight
In Stock
30 Tonne Logsplitter - Honda 6.5Hp GP200
30T / 3500psi Splitting Force
6.5Hp Honda GP200 Engine
Horizontal / Vertical Use
126 LS30VTL-GP200
$2,335.00 + GST & Freight
Logsplitter - 35 Ton (w/o Engine)
35 Ton Log Splitter Frame
Vertically Packed in Steel Crate
Vertical - Horizontal Use
126 LS35VTL
$3,717.00 + GST & Freight
In Stock
Log Splitter 35T Deluxe R300
35T / 3500psi Splitting Force
10.0Hp PowerEaseR300 Engine
Vertical / Horizontal Use
126 LS35VTL-R300
$3,903.00 + GST & Freight
Logsplitter - 40 Ton (w/o Engine)
40 Ton
Power needs: 13-15Hp
16 GPM 2 Stage
126 LS40VTL
$3,499.00 + GST & Freight
In Stock
126 LS40VTL-R420
$3,797.00 + GST & Freight
126 LS40VTL-GX390
$3,220.00 + GST & Freight
Logsplitter - 40 Ton (w/o Engine , c/w hyd lifter)
40 Ton + Hyd Lifter
Power needs: 13-15Hp
16 GPM 2 Stage
$3,817.00 + GST & Freight
In Stock
Logsplitter 40T DLX HLT R420
40 Ton With Hydraulic Lifting Tray
Engine: Powerease R420 13Hp
16 GPM 2 Stage
126 LS40VTLHYD-R420
$4,052.00 + GST & Freight
Logsplitter 40T With Hydraulic Lifting Tray GX390
40 Ton With Hydraulic Lifting Tray
Engine: Honda GX390 13Hp
16 GPM 2 Stage
126 LS40VTLHYD-GX390
$4,865.00 + GST & Freight
B.A.R. Group Pty Ltd is a young company established in 2004 in Australia. We are industry specialists in the pressure washer and industrial high pressure pump markets. We guarantee the most comprehensive range of Pressure Cleaner equipment in Australia.